Ravyn's Domain

One's We Remember
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Only You
The Creature
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An Excerpt From Ravyn's Sanctuary
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As Darkness Fell Excerpt
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The Man She Thought She Loved
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An Excerpt From Ravyn's Sanctuary

Here are a couple of poems from my newly released book Ravyn's Sanctuary.  You can find it at Lulu.com


Do Not Wake Me


I have often thought of us as a dream.

Every time I fall asleep I fear,

That I will wake up,

And all we had was just and illusion,

And nothing more than my imagination,

Wanting me to believe that our lives,

And happiness together was real.

If this is a wonderful dream,

I never want to wak up,

Only to find,

We never existed outside of delusion.

This Hunger


This hunger I cannot hide,

For it burns like fire through my veins.

Your soft pale skin,

Against my crimson lips,

Entice my every sense.

I like your beautiful flesh,

Wishing for more.

I can feel your heart beat,

Beneath my tongue as I trace,

The pulsing vein within your neck.

I smell the sweet essencs,

That flows just below the surface.

I gaze deep into your emotional eyes,

To find lust and desire there.

How I would like to give you,

What you so dearly want,

But now I must quench my thrist,

That rages and weakens me,.

Then maybe I can free you,

    And give you the pleasure you want.

I whisper in your ear what I want,

You nod your head,

Allowing me to take what I need.

I carefully scratch you throat with my nail,

Allowing access to the sweet fluid,

That I must have.

I gently drink from your vein,

Truly tasting you from within.

Once my thirst has been sated,

I return the favor,

By giving you the pleasure,

You waited so paitiently for.

I gave you all I could,

And when it was over,

I held you tight in my arms,

Until I had to leave.