This Hunger
This hunger I cannot hide,
For it burns like fire through my veins.
Your soft pale skin,
Against my crimson lips,
Entice my every sense.
I like your beautiful flesh,
Wishing for more.
I can feel your heart beat,
Beneath my tongue as I trace,
The pulsing vein within your neck.
I smell the sweet essencs,
That flows just below the surface.
I gaze deep into your emotional eyes,
To find lust and desire there.
How I would like to give you,
What you so dearly want,
But now I must quench my thrist,
That rages and weakens me,.
Then maybe I can free you,
And give you the pleasure you want.
I whisper in your ear what I want,
You nod your head,
Allowing me to take what I need.
I carefully scratch you throat with my nail,
Allowing access to the sweet fluid,
That I must have.
I gently drink from your vein,
Truly tasting you from within.
Once my thirst has been sated,
I return the favor,
By giving you the pleasure,
You waited so paitiently for.
I gave you all I could,
And when it was over,
I held you tight in my arms,
Until I had to leave.