She slipped into memory of being eighteen and not yet married. She was
especially picky about the man she would marry. The lords of the court didn't entice her. She showed no interest in the men
her mother had presented her with. Lord Donavon even offered his had to her, but she had refused because he had lost his wife
and child, during childbirth, months before.
"You will have to marry soon." her mother had said.
"I don't want to marry some one I do not love. I want romance and some
one who is kind. What is the point of marrying some one you do not love if it only makes you miserable?" Ravyn asked defiently.
"It's the way it is done. You need to marry and have a family. You are
my only daughter and I want your father's blood line to go on." her mother begged.
Lord Donavan tried to for her to marry, but she ran from the castle.
She refused to marry before meeting them. She had seen, growing up, many abusive marriages or marriages where the wife was
unhappy all the time. She didn't want that.
She stayed with neighbors for a while. Neighbors she knew she could trust
to keep her hidden from his guards. It's not that he was disliked by anyone, but some didn't agree with some of his decisions.
After two weeks of her mother asking her to come back she finally did.
When she returned Lord Donavan was expecting her. Upon entering the throne
room she was nervous. She wasn't sure what he would do to her. The worst that could happen was he would have her executed
for treason. She was surprised to find he was standing with a smile on his face. Ravyn bowed in respect and hoped for mercy
though she deserved none.
"Stand, my dear." he said without conviction. Ravyn did so slowly but
kept her head down. She didn't dare look at the man who held her future in his hands.
"Raise your head, child. You are not in trouble." he said kindly. "There
is some one I want you to meet."
Ravyn looked up. Standing next to Lord Donavon was a tall handsome man.
He was one of the elite knights. His hair was dark. It went a little past his shoulders with a slight wave. It was love at
first sight. They were married a month later.
The wedding was a grand affair with guests from all around. Flowers were
set up at the alter by the dozen. They were lilacs and roses. Her favorite flowers. Her dress was long with pearls sewn onto
the ivory silk. The train was long and held by two young girls wearing the same color dresses as her own.
The cake was three tiers with ivory frosting and decorated with roses
and lilacs just as the altar was. There was also presents that was so numorous she was dumbstruck.
Ravyn didn't care about the gifts. All she cared about was the man standing
next to her. She was nervous and excited at the same time. She had butterflies in her stomach. After the vows were said Azreal
bent down and kissed her. Her first kiss was all she had expected and more. She felt the strength of the magic between them.
That night they retired to their bedchamber. She stood at the foot of
their bed so unsure of herself she trembled. She knew what was to come next, and she expected it, but she was still nervous.
"Why are you so afraid?" Azreal asked in a sweet voice.
"I am not afraid, my lord. I am just nervous that is all." she replied
holding herself.
"There is nothing to fear. We don't have to make love tonight if you
do not want to. I could just hold you."
"I want to consumate our marriage, but not sure how."
"I will teach you." he said in a tone that calmed her nerves slightly.
He helped her undress. He moved slowly so not to frighten her. He wanted
to do something to soothe her, but he didn't want to reveal his secret just yet. He wasn't sure how she would take it and
didn't want to scare the one he loved.
He led her to the large double bed. He slowly lowered her on to the ivory
sheets. He kissed her gently on her pink painted lips. She hesitantly returned the kiss.
He moved to kiss her neck where he nibbled careful not to pierce the
skin. He savored the taste of her. He ran his tongue on the precious vein that ran there. He pulled away because the temptation
was become too strong. He didn't want to lose control and ruin the life he could have with her.
He undressed himself and laid down next to her. He let his hands roam
down her arms. He moved slowly because he could tell she was trembling. He slipped his body on top of hers. He slipped inside
of her and began making love.
The pain was quick and soon turned to pleasure. She didn't move. She
was afraid the pain would return and ruin what she was experiencing with the man she loved.
Suddenly another pain over took her. Areal had pierced her neck and was
drinking from the wound. Fear returned not sure what he was doing to her. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong.
The pain didn't last long. She fell into a deep euphoria that seemed to last all night.
Ravyn rubbed her neck as she returned to the present.